Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sony Ericsson K660i

I never wanted to have a Sony Ericsson mobile phone. Eversince i had my own mobile phone in the age of 13 i realised that Nokia brand never comes out with problem. Until last year February 25th, 2009 i left out my hanphone outside my verandah which was shone my the hot sun. I could not even enter any keys to my nokia handphone. Until now, my nokia handphone is no longer functioning.

Back in the month of may, 2009. I decided to have a servay upon Sony Ericsson mobile phone in Wisma Merdeka as well as KK plaza. After spent in about 4 hours servaying and at the same time make few comparison on few sony mobile. I was stuck with the brand new sony ericsson with the lastest model of K660i. By looking to its beautiful colour with the combination of Green and white colour ( that is my favourite combination colour as always)

These mobile phone has now become of the best sold out within a month. This also can be unserstand that most of the people who prefer this mobile phone are female due to its attractive colour and its function. Since that onwards, i started to love sony ericsson.

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