Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bahar, 'Tuaran Traditional Drink'

Sabah, the land below the wind belong to the big number of races and traditional. We believed that sabah state belong about 34 ethnics. One of the best known ethnic in Sabah is Lotud people which can only be found in Tuaran Town. Nowadays, local drink such as Lihing, Montoku, Bahar, Tapai, Tumpung and Tanduay are seem to be the favourite among the people living in Sabah. The chinese, Indian, Muslim and bajau love them so much.

Bahar local drink is a must in every festival and occasions in Sabah. It doesnt count on which occasions. Morever, even in chinese new year, christmas seasons, Hari raya the local people will not miss to serve them.

Bahar is originally made from the coconut tree with a mixed of a special kind of tree bark known locally as rosok which will make the sap coloured red. These drink has been comfirmed by chemists to have a high contain of high anti-oxidants. However, these drink would taste very unpleasant and pungent to the uninitiated. Apart from that, these drink would goes very bad within a day is it will becoming sour either.

As for those people who are anxious to test these local drink, try to grab holidays and visit sabah the beautiful nature state with a good drink of those. For sure, you will love them and enjoy your holidays in the land below the wind.

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