Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Sompoton is a traditional Kadazan music instruments for the Dusun tribes in Sabah. Traditionally it was from Kampung Tikolod, Tambunan. It is now prevalent among Dusuns and Muruts. It is made of a double raft of eight bamboo pipes inserted into a gourd. Inside the gourd, seven of the pipes have small polod palm lamellae or sodi inserted into their sides and kept in place by beeswax or sopinit.

The eighth soundless pipe is stopped up with sopinit. The player blows and sucks air through the gourd mouth-piece to activate the sodi. The musical sound produced can be likened to a cross between the sounds from a conventional mouth organ and a bagpipe, minus the latter's shrillness. Often it is played solo, for personal expression. If you are interest on this traditional Kadazan Dusun music instruments, you can visit any handicraft centre or Tamu in Sabah.

The sompoton is the free-reed mouth organ of Sabah in northeastern Borneo. It is played by the Kadasan and Dusun peoples, and is still quite common. The sompoton has a gourd wind chamber from which extend 8 pipes arranged in two rows. There are bamboo reeds in seven of these pipes only, and three of these pipes do not have sound holes and are played by closing and opening the tops of the pipes with fingers of the right hand. The sumpoton can be played with the pipes pointing up, as is done with smaller instruments, or with the pipes pointing either sideways or down with larger instruments. The instruments range in size from 6 inches to 3 feet in length, with the average size of just over 1 foot.

Bahar, 'Tuaran Traditional Drink'

Sabah, the land below the wind belong to the big number of races and traditional. We believed that sabah state belong about 34 ethnics. One of the best known ethnic in Sabah is Lotud people which can only be found in Tuaran Town. Nowadays, local drink such as Lihing, Montoku, Bahar, Tapai, Tumpung and Tanduay are seem to be the favourite among the people living in Sabah. The chinese, Indian, Muslim and bajau love them so much.

Bahar local drink is a must in every festival and occasions in Sabah. It doesnt count on which occasions. Morever, even in chinese new year, christmas seasons, Hari raya the local people will not miss to serve them.

Bahar is originally made from the coconut tree with a mixed of a special kind of tree bark known locally as rosok which will make the sap coloured red. These drink has been comfirmed by chemists to have a high contain of high anti-oxidants. However, these drink would taste very unpleasant and pungent to the uninitiated. Apart from that, these drink would goes very bad within a day is it will becoming sour either.

As for those people who are anxious to test these local drink, try to grab holidays and visit sabah the beautiful nature state with a good drink of those. For sure, you will love them and enjoy your holidays in the land below the wind.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The athlete, Che Chew Chan

A young and talented well being in taekwondo sports. Che chew chan was no longer an ordinary athlete after she has shown her talented by achieving a gold medal recently in the sea games last year. Che chew chan who is turning 28 years old this coming october 1st is currently running her centralise training in Bukit Jalil.

Che chew chan was obviously recovering from her injured both knee after broke down in one of the international tournament last 2 years. She had a severe knee operation and was hospitalised within few months without attending her training.

But then again, she has never give up having through her disable period and pain. Eventually, after she went through 1 month she then again started to involve herself in some of the international competition.

By the end of october, che chew chan flew to korean with her teamate of taekwondo to attend centralised training with the korean within 1 week. The next following week, chew chan and malaysian team flew to laos and fight. She was really delighted with her performance by grabbing gold medalist.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sea Walking

Sea Walking has now proclaimed to be one of the best tour promoted and offers in Sabah @ The Land Below The Wind. These adventure tour happened to be high demand in year of 2008 and currently. These tour is essentially an undersea adventure without the aid of any diving equipment except for an air-hosed helmet, the sea walking is available by everyone above 7 years age without risk or danger.

Apart from that, swimming skills are not even essential as the adventure is safe and fully guided. The benefits of these tour is that you are going to interact with all kinds of marine creatures underneath the sea as you come face to face with them.

Moreover, sea walking allows you to the seabed and watch fishes go by without having to carry an oxygen tanks or complicated equipment. You will don on sea trek underwater Helmet Diving System and be ready to discover underwater world. The walk will take you approximately between 20-30 minutes along the shores of the island and children as young as 8 years in age can view natures aquarium. Thus, no miraculous effort is needed but just a short briefing on breathing and hand gestures. a pair of underwear shoes and 30kg astronaut underwater helmet.

Eventually, one's should try these adventurous tour which is now available in Sabah as well. Do not be shock with the price which would cost you quite a huge number of visit this is due to tourist high demand.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Land Below The Wind, Sabah, Borneo

Sabah was known as Jesselton back in 1940's before the world was 2 happened. Sabah holds a vast historical during the occupation of Colonial British where everyone are allow to visit to Kundasang Memorial Park and as well as the "Death Match".

Sabah also known as North Borneo before its independence through Malaysian in September 16, 1963, Sabah occupies the top portion of Borneo which found to be the THIRD largest island in the world and covers the area with 74,500 sq km and a coastline of about 1,440 sq km washed by the South China Sea and celebes sea on the East. She is blessed with a diverse landscape of tropical forests, rugged mountains, greenflatlands and prestine sea teaming with indigenous flora and fauna which only can be found in some part of the world.

The climate found in Sabah is warm and tropical but pleasant. Sunny blue skies typify most days and it is summer all year round. Though depending on the month and locality, rain may cause a little inconveniece, with the annual rainfall varying from 69 to 120 inches.

As a general guide, the wet season falls between November and February. The name "Land Below The Wind" is given to Sabah simply because it is located below typhoon belt. Thus, setting the state free from climatic disturbance.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Nike sports

For sure everyone knows what nike stands for. The origin of nike is based on United State Of America. Somehow, people living in Malaysia could hardly owns the nike stuffs due to its high costing but at the same time nike is a quite high demanding in Malaysia as well. This company is originally headquatered in the united state, Oregon city which is part of the portland metropolitan area. It is the world's leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel and employed more than 30,000 people worldwide.

These nike company was founded on January 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight and was last 14 years to be officially became Nike Inc in the year of 1978. Nike word was originally came from Greek. Its brings the meaning of Greek Goddes of Victory.

As for me, one of my favourite apparel on Nike is the trendy shoes, the watch which really looks awsome and fancy. Not to mention with its variety types of bags. Eventhough it cost me really high but eventually it hits my satisfaction of needs.

As you can see the shoes above, this is one of the limited edition of Lebron James IV NYC shoes last 2007- 2008 with its high resolution of 411x280. These fancy shoes will cost about RM899.00- RM999.00 in Malaysia Market.

Nike for sure sponsors many high profile athletes and sports team around the world, with the higly recognized trademark " JUST DO IT " as well as the " SWOOSH LOGO ".

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tambunan Village Resort Centre

Im so sure everyone knows that tourism industry has become the main contribution to ur country Malaysia. Now, let me brief you as one of the interesting place to visit or holidays which found strategically in Tambunan Town called Tambunan Village Resort Centre. These attractive place takes 1.5hours by road from Kota Kinabalu to Tambunan which lies a valley picturesque serenity, the valley with sparkling mountain streams glowing across emerald green rice fields present the gentle side of Sabah's interior.

A walk through the bush valley offers visitors a chance to enjoy Sabah's traquil countryside while listening to chorus if insects and the called of forest birds. TVRC in short situated Pegalan River in Tambunan in which the one and only place to provide accomodation facilities in Tambunan as said.

As for the nature lovers, never to missed out the unique giant biggest flower in the world called "Rafflesia". Tambunan Village Resort Centre offers you a great experience of a lifetime to behold where it may be understand those flower spend 9 months to bloom and only last 1 week somehow.

Apart from that, another activities that is applicable and available close to Tambunan Village Resort Centre is none other than " Mahua Waterfalls". These waterfalls is a prestine natural fall nestled deep in the tropical forest of the Crocker Mountain Range. The spectacular waterfall is approximately 17 metres tall and has a pool depth of 1.3 metres.

Tambunan Town is simply bliss for tourist as well as domestic travellers. To those who loves nature more, i suggest to come and visit this simple and unique of nature place called Tambunan.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Datuk Nicol Ann David,DSPN

First of all, welcome back to view my blog! time passes by without realising that i am now sitting for my last subject of Communication skills 3 after i have gone throughout the communication skills of 1 and 2. Moreover, we, the student of Communication Skills have been given a task by completing as many as 15 posts which will contribute 20% in our final semester 3. Now, i will begin my 1st post by having Datuk Nicol Ann David as my choice or in the other word as my Idol.

Nicol Ann David, chinese + indian was born in the month of August 26, 1983. She was born in Penang, Malaysia. She is a daughter to Desmond David an engineer and Ann Marie David a teacher which happened to be the only child in the family. She began to involved herself in squash sports when she was in the age of 5 and started to take squash seriously in the age of 8 with a regular training and involved in competitive games. Besides, she received her primary education at SM. Convent, Penang.

It seems hard and challenging as a SPM candidates back in the year of 2000 and at the same time concentrating her well centralised training as squash athlete. Apparently, she has already making the world's top 10 list and her up as well. By then on. she began to brought the joyful bliss to Malaysia by winning the track record in Asia within 5 times in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006.

In december 2005, Nicol became the youngest world champion after beating Rachel Binham in Hong Kong Open. By then, by the age of 23 years old, nicol reached a new height when she took over the helm as the world's number 1 women squash player. She was not the only the first malaysian take over the crown but it also the first Asian women to be rank as number 1.

However, her number 1 rank was short lived to only 3 months before she dropped to number 2 after failure at the commonwealth Games in Melborne. But then again, many malaysian presses predicted further down fall of her and the failure even evoked the wrath of the sport ministry. Unfortunately, nicol bouced back with a blast by winning with a record of 51 consecutive matches.