Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sipadan Island

The 5th attrive places found in Sabah which i prefer the most is Sipadan Island. Today, this island has been proclaim to be the diving places which one big fish of capital in the world. As you can see the maps, this island can be seen clearly to be a fish head. Apart from that, Sipadan Island has also manage to be in the list of voting "The Seven Wonders" places in the world. This island shared its top spot with two other destinations between the Galapagos Islands and Truk in Micronesia.

You'll see turtles everywhere you dive in Sipadan, munching on the sponges and algae, or lazing on the wall ledges. Amongst of all places that tourist prefer to dive in Sipadan Island is in the area of Barracuda Point where you can find yourself surrounded by a spiralling vortex of barracudas as large the school that the sunlight is often clouded out.

It is not only the big fish that amaze divers coming to Sipadan, the macro life is equally mesmerizing. Garden eels, leaf scorpion fish, mantis shrimps, fire gobies and various pipefish are guaranteed at various dive sites. The diversity and abundance of marine life found at Sipadan gives it its reputation of being one of the ten best dive locations in the world.
With that, Sipadan Island is simply brings the divers to dive in such places which is nice to behold at any time.

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